Bookings are confirmed via email after placing an order.
Confirmation from a photographer is official only after order creation.

Independent Contractor Relationship
The photographer is an independent contractor, not an employee of the client.
No partnership or joint venture is created by this agreement.
Real Estate VisuAll, a division of Bobbi Rose Enterprises LLC, retains copyright of the photos, with specific usage rights granted to the client.

Expectations and Responsibilities
Clients must have the right to photograph the property.
A Home Preparation Checklist will be provided.
Extra charges apply if the photography session exceeds the scheduled time.
The photographer can leave a property if it feels unsafe or inaccessible.
Pets should be secured during the session to avoid risks.

Drone and Aerial Footage
Refunds or discounts are provided if drone footage is not possible due to no-fly zones or bad weather.
A reshoot fee may apply under certain conditions.

License and Usage
Captured media is for marketing the property for sale, with specific terms for residential and commercial use.
Usage rights are granted for a defined period, with restrictions on sharing and third-party use.

Force Majeure and Safe Environment
The photographer is not liable for delays or failures due to unforeseen events like natural disasters, government actions, or personal illness.
The client is responsible for a safe working environment.

Media will be archived if payment is not made within 7 days of upload, with a fee for unarchiving.

Cancellation Policy
A 24-hour notice is required for cancellations or changes, with a 20% fee for late cancellations.

Mileage Charge
Each photographer sets their own mileage charges.

The client is responsible for any legal issues arising from the misuse of the photos on their part.

Insurance and Licenses
The photographers are insured and licensed as required.

Delivery of Final Images/Videos
Allow up to 24 hours for images and 2 days for videos after full payment.

Image Quality
The photographer ensures a pleasing color balance, but exact color matching is not guaranteed.
Bobbi Rose Photography, prev. Real Estate VisuAll